Nobody Tell My Son I Was Wrong. (It Was, However, Just Once)
Marketing virtual events like in-person ones is like comparing apples to elephants. Back in 1996, I distinctly remember having a...
Marketing virtual events like in-person ones is like comparing apples to elephants. Back in 1996, I distinctly remember having a...
The power of human connection 2020: A tale of two norms..."S**t-show, shocking, depressing, confused, numb" - All words used by...
A welcome battle cry for Q4 2020 Last Sunday, I watched the entire first season of Cobra Kai and doing so brought me such surprising joy...
Are you ready for it? .... I know one and I am willing to share with you. So, we are now well into Q3 of 2020. A year for the ages and...
I was a guest on the Don and Mike Show Podcast I recently had the honor of being a guest on the Don and Mike Show which is a weekly...
An open love letter and plea to the events industry Dear event professional and colleague; Please, I’m unclear as to why you keep...
I have fielded dozens of calls in the past couple of months on how to better design a digital event. Note, I use the word digital and...
Last week, an event for an organization I volunteer my time for (as a Skillanthropist, more about that later), finally came to fruition...
Lately, along with many others, I have been thinking a lot about engagement tactics that could work for virtual events. However, another...
For much of my career, I have worked for B2B event organizers and publishers in a variety of industries from spa and beauty to software...
As I've settled into my new normal, I have made it one of my Shut-In goals to reduce the clutter in my inbox and unfollow people and...
Well... seems like we all need to look for the silver lining in staying in. My son (10) and I are both avid readers and I figured I might...
Rapid Response AI Chatbot to deploy on event websites
trust /trəst/ - noun firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. "relations have to be built on...
So... one of the workshops I most love to give is Tech Tools to Crush Productivity. It's a talk filled with nuggets and great apps and...
Covid-19 has sure wrecked havoc with the event and trade-show industry. It seems every day, another major event has announced...