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From Sh*t-show to Life in Seven Hours

The power of human connection 2020: A tale of two norms..."S**t-show, shocking, depressing, confused, numb" - All words used by...

Cobra Kai is Everything I Didn't Know I Needed Right Now

A welcome battle cry for Q4 2020 Last Sunday, I watched the entire first season of Cobra Kai and doing so brought me such surprising joy...

Five Tips for Designing Virtual Events

I have fielded dozens of calls in the past couple of months on how to better design a digital event. Note, I use the word digital and...

Community-First is the Key to Successful Virtual Events

For much of my career, I have worked for B2B event organizers and publishers in a variety of industries from spa and beauty to software...

Building Your Dream T.E.A.M.

trust /trəst/ - noun firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. "relations have to be built on...

Over Communicate and Do it Now

Covid-19 has sure wrecked havoc with the event and trade-show industry. It seems every day, another major event has announced...

Blog: Blog2
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